Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Eugenics Movement (extra credit)

Some of the 19th and 20th century followers of Darwin hit on a novel way to speed up the "natural selection" process.  Their ideas led to the development of what is called "eugenics." Please read through the Wikipedia summary of the eugenics movement. What do you see here that suggests that there is a dark side to the Darwinian idea of progress?


  1. The whole concept of the Darwinian idea of progress and eugenics is dark. It gives man the illusion of creation, as though he thinks of himself as a god to determine the destiny of mankind. Sort of scary how widespread and accepting the theory is. The practice of eugenics is the promotion of prejudice toward any person, culture or society that does that fit one persons idea of "perfection".

    Samantha Sabers

  2. Kayla Perrion -
    Before reading this, I didn't really know much about Eugenics, except for that it was an idea that originally came from Darwin's theory of Evolution. Galton took this idea and applied it to humans. I was amazed at how popular this idea became, even throughout the US and not very long ago at all! It is really disturbing when you start thinking, that Hitler was using a form of eugenics when he committed genocide on the Jews in search of the "Aryan" or perfect race. It is crazy how sometimes state governments would make laws against certain racial marriages, sterilization, reproduction, etc. There are many modern forms of eugenics. Another example would be the One Child policy in China. I never really thought how much this actually happens even today. What I thought was really creepy was that they would try and pick out certain desirable traits, but who is anyone to determine what traits are desirable or undesirable.

  3. There is always a dark side to any form of eugenics, even in today's world. There are many forms of birth control now days. Also many ways to have a child if you are unable or if you want specific features in your child. There are many new laws on marriages, reproduction, and sterilization, etc.
