Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Additional Dostoyevsky Selections

If you enjoyed "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man" (and even if you didn't), you might enjoy some of the other selections in the Signet Dostoyevsky book.  If you like romances, you might find "White Nights" particularly appealing. If you want to know what it's like to be in a Siberian prison camp, you might like the selections from the "House of the Dead." 

Read either or both selections, and add your comments here. What would you say to encourage students to read the selection for themelves?

1 comment:

  1. I read White Nights and discovered that Nastenka, a young girl, has a love for two different people. She enjoys the company of one as only friends, but the other a little more serious relationship-like. Towards the end of the story, Nastenka and her friend go for a walk during the night when miraculously her "boyfriend" appears. She gets excited and runs over to hug and kiss him. After that she leaves her friend on his own and goes off with her boyfriend. The next day, she writes a letter, apologizing to her friend for being so childish about the whole situation. I don't feel anyone really has to read this story because these kinds of things happen in everyday relationships all over the world, whether it's a serious relationship or just friends.
