Thursday, August 8, 2013

Congratulations! You have successfully navigated to Inherently Interesting Fall 2013, the most wonderful, most interesting, and most important blog at this particular URL. Your comments and questions on this blog will help make the class even more wonderful and interesting--and occasionally earn you a bit of extra credit!

 To add your comments, click on the "comments" link immediately below. You may leave your comments as an "anonymous" blogger so that you don't have to set up an account. On extra credit assignments, be sure to include your name at the end of the post so I know who to give credit to.

To get started, here's a test of the History 122 extra credit system. Click the "comments" link below and give me your honest answer: what's the first thing that comes into your head when you here the word history?


  1. I think of all the people, whether they be philosophers of war heroes, and how they shaped modern day history.

  2. I think of my first college history class that was history of biological sciences where I learned so much about the great gulf between science and religion and met Hippocrates, Bacon, Descartes. However, the first time I heard the word history in college I did think, "slow and boring," but it has been quite the opposite!

  3. My first thought on world history is the violence, torture and treachery that took place and it seems it was mostly for greed. My second thought (and this might show my age some) is I wonder how much truth and how much opinion is in the text books. All history seems to be skewed to the opinions of the person recanting it. And the more I learn about world history, the more I realize we are a hopeless species...we (humans) seem to only go in circles, repeating the same old mistakes century after century and these are fueled by greed even today. And the telling of todays world events that will some day be history are told with bias and prejudice in order to gain support from the public to support those making the decisions that ultimately affect whole countries of people.

    Samantha Sabers

  4. My thoughts on the education reform speech in JFAC today. I particularly liked his take on the average high school teacher today. The idea that it is a decent, well regarded job that can be easily attained by a person of minimum education experience opens it up to a whole slew of people who have no clue what they are doing teaching children. And, to top it off, in many places the teachers, who are rumored to be comfortable teaching a class after five years of experience, are having fingers pointed at them whether or not they are fit to teach kids, and subsequently are fired without being able to show their full potential. I also liked how he pointed out that some of the best teachers are those who have some sort of respect or reputation beforehand. My best teachers in high school were those that had been teaching on a subject for years beforehand, and that treated us like young adults. The respect I had for some of these teachers would overpower my instinct to act out or skip doing homework. I feel that his talk had some great points and his research backed it well. I enjoyed the lecture.

    Michael Ben Weber

  5. The first thing that comes to mind when I think history is the best way to get social science credits!!! but really, I love history, when I think history, I think well, everything before right now.

  6. The first thing coming to mind when I hear the word history is BORING. I don't like history very much. I'm the type of person that would rather go out and learn history on my own, like in a museum or something. I don't want to sit in a desk and learn from a teacher or from a book. I don't learn that way. I find things more interesting when I can learn about them on my own and can visually see how things were back then so that I get the feeling I'm right there when things happen.

  7. Well, when I hear the word history I automatically think of everything that our country has seen and been through. I think of Jesus Christ and when He was born and what He had to go through. That is history in itself. I also think of all of the wars that our country has been through and all of our presidents. I think of the fight for freedom and what men had to go through to get to that point. I also think of all of the inventions that our country has created. Benjamin Franklin with electricity, Thomas Edison with the light bulb, and etc. But, then I also think of what is yet to come. We are a part of history. People a thousand years from now will be studying our history. We are history in the making.

  8. Calvin Cramer: When I hear the word history I think of the past. The moments long ago that has defined us as people as who we are now and how it will have an effect on the future. By past I mean something as far back as the beginning of time, or simply five minutes ago. History to me is an educated or thought out understanding of events past that help for the basis for tomorrow, and from history we can derive whether or not things done today will be done tomorrow or if there will be slight changes or great changes based on our own analytical beliefs and ideas. History is the first step towards change for me and I believe it to be important to understand and reflect on, but even more important to look forward from it than remain behind in the past.
